Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June 21st-Kyle

Hey everyone,

Wow! That was a big two days of camp we just had!! The first day we had about twelve kids and the second we had about twenty-four doubling our camp size!

It was truly a great experience. Seeing the kids slowly progress over the two days was amazing as usual in past camps that i've taught so it was awesome =)...

So last night we went to the beach for around two hours down at Crystal Beach and that was great too!! We were out there for around an hour and a half and some of us even made it about 100 yards offshore to a sandbar and were getting thrown around by about five foot waves for a while. Basically bodyboard+five foot waves=a ton of fun. We also had a quick two hour practice yesterday trying to get our routines together for our second to last official practice before nationals starting on thursday.

Then today after the camp, we had our last practice. Just an hour long which was nice and got some really good double dutch work in!! As the rest of the team left to the hotels this afternoon, seven of us stayed back for another night in the retreat center which should be fun as well!!

Time for dinner I better go!!

Hope everything is going well with everyone else,


P.S. ill really try to get up pictures real soon

Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 19th-Kyle

Well it's official. We are all down here in High Island, safe and sound. Praise God for opening up the interstate on the way down and for safe travel for all of us.

Last night, the first batch of us arrived here in the retreat center and were pleasantly surprised. The house was large enough to fit the 22 of us here and after a few hours of cleaning, it looked very good. Besides my being disappointed by the terribly out of tune piano, everything was better than we could have asked for.

Then, moving on to today, this morning we woke up at 7ish and kicked it off by going to a baptist church around 15 minutes away from our retreat center. We put on a shorter show here, around 15 minutes for the small church population of around 35 I would guess. The people, like normal had never seen anything like it and were very impressed, hopefully the show will draw more people to our camp starting at 9 Monday morning.

After that, we came back for some lunch, relaxed for a few and then head off again to the surf shop of Sarah Standridge, who has been running publicity for us down here in the past few weeks. After another short show where we all had our flip flops on, we learned about an opportunity to do a show at a VBS camp down here, which we went to again at 5:30 to put on another short demonstration trying to get more kids at the camp starting tomorrow.

And then dinner :-) it was spagetti, probably my favorite. We then moved on to playing some cards and random games around the table trying to rest up for the camp tomorrow. I don't know about the rest of the team, but I know I am very excited for the camp tomorrow and for the chance to minister to the kids down here.

Hopefully ill have more pictures tomorrow.


Monday, June 13, 2011

June 13th

Well...5 days out until we leave for the mission trips in nationals!!! Everyone on the team is getting really excited...just had practice today and routines are coming together nicely.

For all of you who want to know what jump rope is all about, our team video is loaded up on facebook. Going to our team page "One Jump Ahead" (listed as an amateur sports team) is a great resource for seeing videos of our team at recent competitions as well as our promo.

Over and out,

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Intro-June 8th

       Well, here is the blog tracking my jump rope team, One Jump Ahead from Colorado Springs on our trip to Gavelston, Texas, both for a two day mission trip in the Bolivar Pennisula, and then following us on to the national championship jump rope tournament. The mission trip will be on the 20th and 21st of june, and the tournament on the 22nd through the 26th in the year 2011.
       We are travelling with Woodmen Valley Chapel on the mission trip, who also gives us gym space to practice and prepare for competitions.
       My name is Kyle Flanegin and I will be blogging for my team on this trip. Thanks to all of those that follow, it's going to be a great time!!

      Also just thinking...this might just turn into a year round blog for our team jump roping in general...who knows