Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Intro-June 8th

       Well, here is the blog tracking my jump rope team, One Jump Ahead from Colorado Springs on our trip to Gavelston, Texas, both for a two day mission trip in the Bolivar Pennisula, and then following us on to the national championship jump rope tournament. The mission trip will be on the 20th and 21st of june, and the tournament on the 22nd through the 26th in the year 2011.
       We are travelling with Woodmen Valley Chapel on the mission trip, who also gives us gym space to practice and prepare for competitions.
       My name is Kyle Flanegin and I will be blogging for my team on this trip. Thanks to all of those that follow, it's going to be a great time!!

      Also just thinking...this might just turn into a year round blog for our team jump roping in general...who knows

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