Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June 21st-Kyle

Hey everyone,

Wow! That was a big two days of camp we just had!! The first day we had about twelve kids and the second we had about twenty-four doubling our camp size!

It was truly a great experience. Seeing the kids slowly progress over the two days was amazing as usual in past camps that i've taught so it was awesome =)...

So last night we went to the beach for around two hours down at Crystal Beach and that was great too!! We were out there for around an hour and a half and some of us even made it about 100 yards offshore to a sandbar and were getting thrown around by about five foot waves for a while. Basically bodyboard+five foot waves=a ton of fun. We also had a quick two hour practice yesterday trying to get our routines together for our second to last official practice before nationals starting on thursday.

Then today after the camp, we had our last practice. Just an hour long which was nice and got some really good double dutch work in!! As the rest of the team left to the hotels this afternoon, seven of us stayed back for another night in the retreat center which should be fun as well!!

Time for dinner I better go!!

Hope everything is going well with everyone else,


P.S. ill really try to get up pictures real soon

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